Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University


Siberian Federal University is a modern, multidisciplinary university that combines a high level of fundamental and applied research with the training of personnel for high-tech industries and individual entrepreneurship. SFU is among the national leaders in terms of the quality of education and relevance of scientific research.

The XXIХ World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk became a powerful impetus for the development of the university's infrastructure. The university has one of the most developed and well-appointed campuses in Russia, which is located within the boundaries of the unique Gremyachaya Griva Nature Park, near the Sopka and Raduga sports facilities. Today the SFU campus, being an exemplary example of a modern urban environment, has become not only a business card and a competitive advantage, but also a center of attraction for talented young people, a meeting place for friends and a university quarter where ideas are born and implemented.

The dormitories of the Siberian Federal University are recognized as the best in the country. All conditions for a comfortable stay have been created here: a gym, a photo studio, a film club and even a museum.

This summer at SFU promises to be bright and interesting! Modern teaching methods and intensive enrichment of theoretical knowledge in practice will make the process of studying at the summer university in SFU exciting and relaxed. Since the program involves studying and solving topical issues, the acquired knowledge and skills will be useful for all participants in their future professional activities.

In addition to the training component, the organizers have planned a diverse cultural and educational program: a city photo rally, an introduction to the historical quarter, an open-air event, a tour of the Stolby State Reserve, as well as a series of industrial excursions to leading enterprises in Krasnoyarsk.

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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Sociocenter" and the Siberian Federal University invite foreign students to participate in the International project "Summer University 2024". Along with the leading universities in Russia, our university has been the host venue for participants from all over the world for the fourth time. This year's event will be held from July 8 to 22, 2024. 400 students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Chile, Ecuador, China, Mongolia and South Africa will participate in the project in Krasnoyarsk.

Today, Siberian Federal University is not just the largest university in the eastern part of Russia. SibFU has a high level of fundamental and applied research, and is also one of the most actively developing universities in Russia. The University is among the top 15 universities in Russia.

The SibFU campus is a single environment with 27 buildings on both banks of the Yenisei and 30 dormitories, dozens of sports sections, scientific laboratories, a library, exhibition and concert halls, landscaped boulevards and squares. And all this is located in the forested area of the city of Krasnoyarsk, but at the same time remains easily accessible by public transport.

That is why participation in the project at the SibFU will not only allow you to demonstrate your potential and develop the necessary skills to achieve professional growth, but also guarantees unforgettable bright impressions.

The program of "Summer University" at Siberian Federal University consists of three main blocks, namely:

  • Industry-specific educational program;
  • Social project program;
  • Cultural and entertainment program.

Modern teaching methods and intensive enrichment of theoretical knowledge in practice will make the learning process at "Summer University 2024" in Krasnoyarsk exciting and relaxed. We are confident that the acquired knowledge and skills will be useful to all participants in their further professional activities.

We are waiting for everyone who is open to communication and receiving new information!!!

Educational block

The educational block is implemented in 7 educational directions, namely: management, tourism, metallurgy, oil and gas business, Russian philology, digital technologies, as well as psychology and pedagogy.

In accordance with these directions, we have prepared the following educational programs:

Global entrepreneurship in real and virtual space (implemented in Russian)
Global entrepreneurship in real and virtual space (implemented in English)
Innovative technologies in the tourism and hospitality industry (implemented in Russian)
Engineering sciences: mining and metallurgy (implemented in Russian)
Oil and gas business (implemented in Russian)
Russian language in the space of Russian culture (implemented in Russian)
Digital technologies in humanitarian projects (implemented in Russian)
Psychological and pedagogical technologies of personality development in the context of world transformation (implemented in Russian)
Social projects acceleration (implemented in Russian)

In addition, the educational programs for the participants include a series of intensive trainings and seminars for the development of Soft skills and competencies of the future. All these classes are focused on the practical applicability of the acquired knowledge and skills in further professional activities.

The intensive program dedicated to the competencies of the future includes:

  • Training "The art of systematic thinking in business": acquaintance with the theoretical foundations of systematic thinking, as well as the application of acquired knowledge in the business field. The training will help you go beyond the mundane and start thinking wider and deeper to fully cover the picture of events, see the relationships, build an event chain and draw logical conclusions.
  • Interactive seminar "Project Management": we will analyze what a social project is, what parts it consists of, what mistakes novice teams make, and also practice in real time to do everything right and efficiently at once.
  • Training "Digital Skills: Global challenges and best practices": this is a study of trends, technologies and models of digital skills development; acquaintance with models of digital competencies and levels of digital skills development. In addition, the training will consider innovative models of digital skills training and other innovative educational solutions in various learning formats.
  • Team building simulation game: training in team building methods through various exercises aimed at developing such skills: time management, delegation of authority, and establishing working relationships. This knowledge is needed in order to understand how to create an effective team.
  • Training "Emotional intelligence in business": methods of controlling one's emotions, since lack of motivation, fatigue, conflicts eventually lead to burnout.
  • Training seminar "Flexibility of thinking in business": exercises aimed at developing the ability to quickly find a problematic link in business, and, having worked through it, improve the business as a whole. In addition, an introduction to techniques will be organized that develop the ability to quickly adapt to new situations, act promptly in unforeseen circumstances and find non-standard solutions.
  • Workshop "Presentation Skills": knowledge of how to keep the audience's attention throughout the performance and receive appropriate feedback from any audience. The workshop is aimed at developing practical skills that will help you confidently argue and defend your position.

These seminars will be conducted by a team of business coaches from the university / city / region. Each coach has a wealth of practical experience, as well as international qualifications.

Also, within the framework of the educational block, visits to production and scientific and technological workshops on the development of progressive business projects corresponding to the concepts of sustainable development are planned. Thanks to this format, the project participants will be able to visit the sites of leading Russian enterprises, namely:

  • JSC Krasnoyarsk Plant of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold as the world's largest producer of eight precious metals, as well as products made from them. The master class will allow you to get to know modern industrial production of the 21st century, which has industrial and intellectual potential, develops science and technology, focuses on import substitution and produces high-quality products;
  • JSC RUSAL Krasnoyarsk aluminium smelter as one of the world's largest aluminum producers. The master class presents an excursion in a unique format of industrial tourism, namely, it will not just allow you to see the main stages of the production of "winged metal", but reliably and clearly get information about the work of the plant and metallurgists, about RUSAL's environmental projects and about reducing the environmental burden;
  • Multifunctional center Polyus LLC as a single management center for accounting and tax accounting, HR records management, IT technologies, document management and payments for a company with the status of a world leader in gold mining;
  • Sovcombank PJSC as one of the systemically important banks and a large financial institution at the federal level with a wide network of divisions in Russia;
  • and many other leading enterprises of the city.

Feel that you have become the lucky ones – those who have received a unique opportunity during these 2 weeks to immerse themselves in the intricacies of their educational directions, as well as look at the beautiful views of Krasnoyarsk and touch the life of the first federal university of Russia. We hope that our programs will help you take a fresh look at many things, gain knowledge and open up prospects.

Project block

The project block is an individual and collective project work with a mentor for the development of business projects / Start‑up.

The objectives of this block are:

  • creating a new space for interaction between Russian and foreign young professionals through formal and informal communication within the framework of working on a common topic;
  • formation of the participants' ability to work in project teams with foreign specialists;
  • improving the participants' level of intercultural competence and methodological literacy.

Thus, participants will have a unique opportunity to take part in seminars and develop Start-up projects according to the topics of their educational directions. This is the way to form and to strengthen multifaceted ties, without which it is difficult to imagine the development of world science and high technologies, the emergence of important cultural and social initiatives in the future.

Cultural and entertainment block

We know that you will write in the essay "How I spent the summer" ...

Two not only useful, but also unforgettable weeks are waiting for you at SibFU: a powerful leveling up skills, as well as a rich diverse cultural program, new acquaintances, emotions and unforgettable impressions.

In addition to the educational component, the organizers have planned the following events:

sports activities

  • daily fitness morning (morning exercises): a quick training for the body, necessary for absolutely everyone. This is a set of simple sport exercises for different purposes: general strengthening – for easy working out of the whole body muscles; therapeutic (exercise therapy) – a few minutes of simple movements to strengthen the back, prevent osteochondrosis and improve posture.
  • a sports competition of international national teams "Youth for a healthy lifestyle", the purpose of which is not to demonstrate physical endurance and strength abilities, but to create positive emotions that promote spiritual uplift and unity with each other. These competitions will help you recharge with healthy energy!
  • International Football Tournament "Siberian Competition" is a sports event that not only popularizes and develops student football, but also promotes a healthy lifestyle and physical culture, and unites teams of project participants from all over the world.
  • Digital games "The Territory of Sports" are competitions that combine classic and virtual sports. These are games that create people of the future, for whom there are no boundaries between the digital and physical worlds.

Sightseeing programs around the city

  • sightseeing bus tour of the city "Must-see Krasnoyarsk" with a visit to the main attractions, namely, with the opportunity to visit the site of the city's foundation, get acquainted with the names of outstanding people who linked their destinies with Krasnoyarsk, drive through the streets and squares of the regional center, admire the panorama of the city, having visited Karaulnaya Mountain.
  • sightseeing tour of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station: this trip includes not only a visit to one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in the world – the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station (external inspection), but also an excursion to the famous observation deck in Sliznevo village, which is located on the edge of a steep cliff above the Yenisei, where there is a beautiful monument dedicated to the famous work of V.P. Astafiev "Tsar Fish".
  • the city photo rally "Different Krasnoyarsk: breaking stereotypes about Siberia and getting to know the city" is a team walk around the city within a given route with the obligatory completion of some tasks that allow you to get to know historical sights and the local population better.
  • excursion to the V.I. Surikov Estate Museum – visit to the museum located in Vasily Ivanovich Surikov’s house, which has been carefully preserving the traditions of Cossack life and a unique collection of works by the Russian painter for more than half a century; this is an amazing place on the map of Russia, which is associated with the name of the Russian artist and many stages of his life and work.

nature excursions

  • a travelling on the chairlift of the Multifunctional sports cluster "Sopka" as a legacy of the XXIX Winter Universiade, designed for training and competitive processes of professional skiers and snowboarders, with a visit to the observation deck on Nikolaevskaya Sopka.
  • excursion to the Krasnoyarsk Zoo, or the park of flora and fauna "Roev Ruchey", which is among the five richest zoos in Europe according to the total number of animals contained in it and is reasonably considered an iconic landmark of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The citizens with love and pride call the natural area a small township, where is a real pleasure to come to. Here you can relax, enjoy the fresh air, admire well-groomed animals, and even pick them up and feed them.
  • excursion on the territory of the State Nature Reserve" Pillars " along the route: "Nature is the great Sculptor" as the main attraction on the territory of the Sayan spurs, where syenite rocks, at the behest of nature, took the form of gigantic giants with guessed outlines of people, animals and mythological creatures, with a unique structure of passages and manholes.

Hospitality evenings

  • getting to know the "Multifaceted SibFU" campus is a demonstration of the university's territory with its internal infrastructure, a kind of "township within a city"; the campus of the Siberian Federal University is located in the forest park area of the city of Krasnoyarsk, that is why the academic buildings and dormitories of the university are surrounded by natural forest lands and at the same time are easily accessible by public transport.
  • International festival "I love my country and I want you to love it too" is a festive event where participants will be able to share with each other the cultural traditions of the countries they come from. As part of this event, each nation will show the customs of its country in all its glory!
  • Public event: open-air theater on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Eco-park "Gremyachaya Griva" with the performance "Siberian Fairy Tale", the purpose of which is to introduce guests to the Siberian ethnic group.

a series of entertaining workshops

These events are aimed at familiarizing the project participants with the leading youth organizations of the city, as well as with the culture, traditions and national characteristics of Siberians.

  • master class "Russian traditions and customs" at Uspensky’s Cultural and Historical Center;
  • master class "Dance Marathon";
  • a master class on youth initiatives from representatives of the loft project "Kamenka Art Residence";
  • master class "Board game time: Gaming Paradise" (on the territory of the Gagarin cultural station);
  • master class "National cuisines of our peoples".

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